With cities
becoming more
and more crowded and
leash laws becoming more restrictive, many concerned dog owners are looking to the creation of dog parks as a solution to their need for a place to spend quality time with their pets. But just what is a "dog park"?
A dog park is a public park, typically fenced, where people and their dogs can play together, that is often located within an existing park. As the name implies, these places offer dogs off-leash play areas where their owners can enjoy a park-like setting and the chance to socialize with other canines and their owners. Most dog parks have separate areas for big dogs (over 25lbs) and small dogs (under 25lbs). Dog parks, which are sometimes managed by park users in conjunction with city or county officials, are being established all over the country and offer a wealth of benefits to dogs, dog owners and the community as a whole.

What is a Dog Park?

Allows dogs
to exercise and
socialize safely
Dogs need room to run, and enclosed play areas permit them to do so while preventing them from endangering themselves and others (for example, by running into the path of an oncoming vehicle). In addition, dogs who are accustomed to playing with animals and people other than their owners are more likely to be well-socialized and react well toward strangers.
Promotes responsible dog ownership
Dog parks prevent off-leash animals from infringing on the rights of other community residents and park users such as joggers, small children, and those who may be fearful of dogs. Training classes will offer dog and human training to promote responsible dog ownership and obedience.
Provides an outlet for dog owners to socialize
Dog parks are a great place for owners to meet other people with common interests. The love people share for their dogs reaches beyond economic and social barriers and helps to foster a sense of community. Park users also benefit from the opportunity to ask questions of other owners and find solutions to problems they might be having with their pet.
Potentially benefits the SPCA
Dogs that have been trained to be social by the SPCA could be visitors of the dog park in hopes of finding a new brother or sister to adopt them at the park. Well- socialized dogs can sniff out good companions and those that need a home will benefit as much as the SPCA.
Makes for a better community by promoting public health and safety
Well-exercised dogs are better neighbors who are less likely to create a nuisance, bark excessively and destroy property. Parks also make it easier for a city to enforce its leash laws and potty location problems.
Allows the disabled, older citizens or visitors access to dogs at play
By making the dog park ADA approved, with ramps, parking and paving, local residents or visitors who can no longer own a pet can come and watch or play with other dogs as well as allow a place for the disabled to play with their own dogs and watch them socialize with others, just like everyone else.

What are the Benefits?

December 15, 2018
Please be aware of the Fredericksburg Dog Park Rules (below) as well as dog behavioral cues and good dog park etiquette. This is our dogs' park so we have to all maintain it and help enforce the rules.

The Fredericksburg Dog Park Association (FDPA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
The objective of FDPA is:
To establish a fenced in, off-leash dog park where well-behaved canine citizens can exercise in a clean, safe environment without endangering or annoying people, property or wildlife.
To develop a beautiful, well-maintained space open to all dog lovers and friends who are willing to uphold the park's rules and restrictions.
To view this park as a community project, in partnership with the City of Fredericksburg, designed to satisfy the needs of dog owners and non-dog owners alike.

The City of Fredericksburg & the Fredericksburg Dog Park Association (FDPA-a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) have joined together to create a city dog park within Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park.
It will be ADA accessible, have shade, water, seating and plenty of room to run, wag, and sniff to get sun, socialization and exercise for both canines and their owners. The FDPA is currently responsible for raising funds for Phase 2 of this project. This is includes:
More Shade Water Features
ADA Paths Obstacle Courses
Phase 2 will be pursued soon to create the best dog park experience that the Hill Country can offer.

The City of Fredericksburg has granted the FDPA approximately 6 acres of land within Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park. It will border the Gillespie County Airport fence and the RV Park on Campers Loop, near the entrance on Hwy 16.